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Sermons in “Equipped for Life: Colossians”

That’s What Friends Are For
Friendships help your physical, mental, and emotional health. I’m going to quickly share what the Mayo Clinic found about having friends. We will look at several verses in the wisdom books about friends. And then we will see who some of Paul’s friends were as he closed out the letter to the church in Colossae.
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Seasoned with Salt
After Paul asked the Colossians to pray for him to have opportunities to share the Gospel, he gave clear instructions to the believers on how they should act and speak with unbelievers. These principles are for us today as well. Believers lives should be attractive in action and in our speech to draw people to desire a relationship with God.
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Powerful Prayer
Prayer is powerful and the Apostle Paul specifically asked believers to be persistent in prayer for him and those in ministry. He called them to be watchful or alert in prayer. This includes the idea of praying specifically and not in vague terms like “God bless the missionaries”. Below are lists to guide your prayers for our missionaries and our pastor and church leaders.
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Family Matters
Family matters to God. Children obey your parents in the Lord. Fathers do not discourage or exasperate your children – instead disciple and teach them in the Lord.
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Love & Respect
In Colossians 3:18-19, God instructs the husband to love his wife and the wife to submit to and respect her husband. This is a command and it is regardless of how they each feel at the moment. Why does God need to make these commands? Because they are not our natural responses to conflict and they are the very things that we long for the most: Love and Respect.
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got gratitude?
The real Christian life is not a list of dos and don’ts. It’s not keeping track of how many times you read your Bible and prayed. It is not how much money you gave, many classes you taught, or casseroles you baked. It is bringing glory to God through everything you do because you are so thankful to God.
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The Tie that Binds
The Apostle Paul encourages us to put on the character qualities that show that we have been made new in Jesus Christ. Those qualities include a compassionate heart, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with each other, forgiveness, and finally the unifying characteristic that binds all of these together – love. Love is like a sash, tie, or belt that binds or holds all of these articles of clothing on is love. Love is the tie that binds. It is the reason behind all of these others. It is the thing that produces unity. It is how we are identified as believers or followers of Jesus Christ.
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Dirty Laundry
When you hear the words “dirty laundry” what comes to mind? Piles of clothes in your basement? Family secrets, public scandals, hidden sins, Don Henley from the 80s, or maybe Carrie Underwood more recently?
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Cleaning House
Cleaning House. The problem with being a pack rat or a hoarder is unless you start to get rid of some stuff, there will be no room for anything new. It’s like that in our Christian life as well. If we don’t clean house and get rid of the sin and junk in our lives, there will be no change in our behavior or room for living with the Holy Spirit in control. How can we glorify our holy, matchless, unparalleled God with a life full of garbage? Let’s clean house!
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