Message Text: Colossians 3:5-6
The problem with being a pack rat or a hoarder is unless you start to get rid of some stuff, there will be no room for anything new. It’s like that in our Christian life as well. If we don’t clean house and get rid of the sin and junk in our lives, there will be no change in our behavior or room for living with the Holy Spirit in control. How can we glorify our holy, matchless, unparalleled God with a life full of garbage? Let’s clean house!
So where do we need to start cleaning house? We can’t show the world what God is like, what new life in Jesus Christ is like, if our lives are full of junk – full of sin. Paul mentions five specific sins and that is what we will deal with today. Let’s see what they are and how do we get rid of them.
- Sexual Immorality
- Impurity
- Passion
- Evil Desire
- Covetousness
The answer is Contentment. Be content. Be fully satisfied with God and what He has said is good and is good enough for us.
Instead of always wanting more and chasing after what God says is harmful, choose to be content, to be satisfied, fully enjoy all that He has given you.
We worship and glorify God when we trust Him and we are satisfied and content with Him.