Scripture: Colossians 4:5-6
After Paul asked the Colossians to pray for him to have opportunities to share the Gospel, he gave clear instructions to the believers on how they should act and speak with unbelievers. These principles are for us today as well.
Believers lives should be attractive in action and in our speech to draw people to desire a relationship with God.
How to grow in wisdom:
- Fear of the Lord – Proverbs 9:10
- Pray and ask God – James 1:5
- Study God’s Word – Col. 3:16
- Godly Instruction – Col. 1:28
Speech always be gracious
- Filled with grace – undeserved favor and blessing
- Speak truth in love
- Be thankful, patient, kind
- NOT lying, slander, malice, filthiness, foolish talk, crude joking
Apologetics Resources
Your Personal Testimony
- Before I met Jesus Christ
- How I was saved
- After I was saved
Prayer is the Key
- Opportunities to share your faith
- Boldness to speak
- Clarity when you speak
- Living out a good testimony or example
- Share God’s blessings in your life
- Share God’s love, compassion, grace, mercy