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Sunday School & Adult Bible Studies
Come GROW with us!
Every Sunday morning at 11 am following the worship service, you can find a class for yourself and everyone in your family. If you are not sure where to go, stop by the Welcome Center for more information or directions.
Children (Strong Kids up to Grade 5)
Children up to 2 years old meet in the Nursery (room 200). Children 3-4 are in the Preschool (room 103)
Kindergarten through Second Grade (Primary) meet in the lower level classroom 110.
Third through fifth graders (Middlers) meet in the lower level classroom 116.
The Bible is Spirit empowered, so it cannot fail to strengthen kids who interact with its truths. Strong Kids curriculum is built on the Bible bedrock. We know the curriculum’s solid Biblical foundation will make it transformational. Coming up with a comprehensive plan to teach the Bible systematically and completely is not always easy. Our teachers focus on communicating God’s Word and strengthening the kids in our church.
Strong Kids curriculum is built on the seven teaching aims Jesus had during His earthly ministry. Identifying Jesus’ aims helps learn the Bible with purpose and clear goals in sight. Every lesson in Strong Kids addresses at least one of Jesus’ teaching aims.
Youth (Middle & High School)
Both groups join together in the Youth Room (112) on the lower level for snacks, games, announcements about upcoming events and FUN!
Sixth through eighth graders usually meet in room 113 on the lower level.
High School students typically stay in the Youth Room 112 on the lower level.
Youth Group
Middle and high school students meet together weekly for encouragement through God’s Word. They also get together for monthly special events like bonfires, game nights, and more. We have a great team of youth leaders (led by Adam DeSanto) who love encouraging students in their faith and lives. View the church calendar for this month’s activities.
Young Adults
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6–7 (ESV)
Women will find an in-depth Bible study meeting in the conference room on the main level next to the Welcome Center.
Additional adult Bible studies meet in our Fellowship Hall on the lower level or other rooms throughout the church. One or more different classes may be offered at a time.
Growth Groups
Build deeper relationships, grow in your faith, encourage and build up others too. Our Growth Groups meet several times a month in the homes of our church members. You are welcome to try one out without making a long-term commitment. Contact the church office or visit our Welcome Center for more information. Learn more at Growth Groups.
Men's Breakfast
All men are invited to have breakfast with us every other Tuesday at Central Station in Dunkirk (332 Central Ave, Dunkirk, NY 14048). Check the calendar for possible location changes. It is a great time to get to know each other better. We also spend some time with a devotional book: “Breakfast with Jesus.”
Join us for monthly Saturday Men’s Breakfasts too. Check the calendar or events page for dates and times.
Weekly Bible Studies
Everyone is welcome to attend any one of these weekly Bible studies. Visit the Welcome Center or Contact the church office for more information.
Men’s Bible Studies – meet every Monday at 6:30 pm and Wednesday morning at 7:30 am at the church in our Fellowship Hall (lower level).
Women's Table Talk Brunch
Our monthly Table Talk brunch is just for women. Cindi Massaro, our pastor’s wife, leads a discussion to challenge and encourage you from God’s Word and to get you talking about what God is doing in your life. You are welcome to come and just listen, even if you are not ready to share with the group. Cindi is a certified Biblical counselor with lots of experience teaching God’s Word and helping women in their faith and life.
Please sign up at the church Welcome Center or by calling the church office 716-366-6634. Bring a brunch dish to share.
Table Talk typically meets on the third Saturday of the month at 9 am. Check the Calendar or events page for the date each month.
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Church membership is a declaration of citizenship of Christ’s kingdom. It is also formal relationship between a local church and a Christian, characterized by the church’s affirmation and oversight of a Christian’s discipleship and the Christian’s submission to living out his or her life in care of the church.
There are several important elements: (source:
- The church body formally affirms an individuals profession of faith and baptism as credible.
- The church promises to give oversight to that individuals discipleship.
- The individual member formally submits his or her discipleship to the service and authority of this church body and its leaders.
Membership Requirements: You have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you have been baptized by immersion after becoming a believer.
Complete the application below and set up a time to meet with the Pastor or a Deacon for more information.
God’s Word does not teach that Baptism is a requirement for salvation. Instead, Baptism in the church is a public expression of faith after someone has trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. While it is viewed as a personal step of faith, it is not private. Such a public act of obedience clarifies a person’s testimony of salvation and opens the door for greater ministry through membership in the local church.
“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life”.
Romans 6:4
Requirements for Baptism: You have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you can explain the biblical purpose and reason for baptism.
Complete the Application below and set up a time to meet with the Pastor or a Deacon to discuss this further.