Sermons on “Respect”

bad bosses
May 24, 2020 Mark Massaro authority, Character, Choices, Correction, Discipline, Employees, God's Will, God's Word, Gospel, Grace, Heart, Hope, Humility, Obedience, patience, Reputation, Respect, service, submission, Submit, Testimony, Transformation, Trials, Trusting God, witness, work 1 Peter got hope? - 1 Peter
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A Healthy Church is a Discipling Church
January 19, 2020 Mark Massaro Character, Church, Community, Connection, Discipleship, Doctrine, Faith, Faithfulness, Glorifying God, God's Will, God's Word, Gospel, Grow, Holiness, Instruction, Legacy, Men, Purpose, Reputation, Respect, Sound Doctrine, Speech, Spiritual Growth, Testimony, witness, Women Titus Titus - God's Design for Church
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Love & Respect
February 25, 2018 Mark Massaro Love, Marriage, Mercy, Respect, Submit Colossians Equipped for Life: Colossians
In Colossians 3:18-19, God instructs the husband to love his wife and the wife to submit to and respect her husband. This is a command and it is regardless of how they each feel at the moment. Why does God need to make these commands? Because they are not our natural responses to conflict and they are the very things that we long for the most: Love and Respect.
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