Our History
Welcome to First Baptist Church – Dunkirk.
First Baptist Church was the very first church of any denomination in Dunkirk. It was organized May 5, 1830 with twenty-two constituent members which consisted chiefly of members of the Fredonia Baptist Church residing in Dunkirk.
The first pastor to be called was Benjamin F. Robbins. The Baptists not having any place of worship of their own, held their meetings, when they had any, in the Village School house. This was a small brick building on Third Street near Central Avenue which served for all public purposes. The first floor was fitted up as the jail, the second floor served for school house, Town Hall and Church, each in turn as required.
It was twenty-five years from the organization before the church owned a meeting house. March 21, 1853, the trustees were instructed to take immediate measures to procure a good lot and to raise funds to build a house of worship, said house to be a good brick house about 50 by 70 feet.
Our present church building at 876 Central Ave was completed and dedicated in 1975. Many people helped accomplish this huge endeavor. Later the Leiby Fellowship Hall was added, along with adequate classrooms for Central Christian Academy.
In 1980, with Pastor Horst’s direction, we had a 150th Anniversary Celebration. We displayed pictures of the past in the library and we held a dinner in the Horst Fellowship Hall. Everyone had a great time!
In 2005, although we were without a pastor, everyone was invited to come to our 175th Anniversary. Many missionaries, former pastors and members came to help celebrate.
Unless Jesus returns first, we will celebrate our two hundredth anniversary in 2030. We look forward to continuing to faithfully preach the Good News of the Word of God, show love to our community, encourage and buildup the church family, and help prepare future generations to love and serve our Great God. To Him be all the glory, honor and praise!

Welcome to First Baptist Church.