Sermons on “Goals”

March 3, 2024 Mark Massaro Apostles, body, building up, Church, Community, Compassion, Empathy, gifts, Goals, Love, Membership, One Another, Others, servant, service, Spiritual Gifts, Sympathy, Talents, Thanks, Unity 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians - Living in Light of Eternity
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Lose Your Life
May 15, 2022 Mark Massaro authority, Confession, Disciple, Discipleship, Glorifying God, Goals, God, God's Will, Gospel, Humility, Jesus, Life, Messiah, Mission, Obedience, Priorities, Purpose, Redemption Plan, Sacrifice, Satan, Submit, Suffering, Word of God Mark The Crown & The Cross: Gospel of Mark
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Grow: How Do We Change?
January 24, 2021 Mark Massaro Attitude, Change, Checkup, Church, Committed, Community, Correction, Disciple, Discipleship, Discipline, encouragement, Endurance, Faithfulness, Glorifying God, Goals, God's Will, Grow, Guidance, Holiness, Mission, Obedience, obey, Perseverance, Power, Purity, Purpose, Sacrifice, Sactification, self-control, Spiritual Growth, Submit, Thinking Worship. Grow. Share.
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December 13, 2020 Mark Massaro Advent, anxiety, Attitude, Blessing, Choices, Christmas, Contentment, Elizabeth & Zechariah, Fellowship, Frustration, Glorifying God, Goals, God's Character, Goodness, Gratitude, Holiness, Hope, Jesus, Joseph, Joy, Mary & Joseph, Messiah, Trials, Trusting God, Unity Advent 2020 In Christ
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