Rediscover Church: Who Leads?
March 6, 2022 Mark Massaro Church, Deacons, Disciple, Discipleship, Example, Gospel, leaders, pastor, teach, teaching, Testimony 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Acts, Ephesians, Titus Rediscover Church
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Pastor’s Authority
February 9, 2020 Mark Massaro authority, Choices, Church, Correction, Doctrine, Glorifying God, God's Word, Humility, Instruction, pastor, Pride, Rebellion, Rebuke, Speech, The Bible, Titus Titus Titus - God's Design for Church
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Qualifications of a Pastor Part 2
November 3, 2019 Mark Massaro Alcohol, anger, Arrogance, Change, Character, Church, Discipline, Drunk, Glorifying God, Goodness, Greed, Holiness, Hospitality, pastor, Paul, personality, Righteousness, self-control, Temper, Titus, Transformation, Violence Titus Titus - God's Design for Church
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Powerful Prayer
Prayer is powerful and the Apostle Paul specifically asked believers to be persistent in prayer for him and those in ministry. He called them to be watchful or alert in prayer. This includes the idea of praying specifically and not in vague terms like “God bless the missionaries”. Below are lists to guide your prayers for our missionaries and our pastor and church leaders.
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