Author Archive: Robert Whittemore
10 Things Jesus Did NOT Say
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. Jesus made it pretty clear in John 13:34-35 as to how the world would know […]
Continue ReadingAnd God Said No
I asked God to take away my pride, and God said NO. He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, and God said NO. he said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary. I asked God […]
Continue ReadingThe Untapped Mission Field
What is the first thing that you think of when someone says the term “missionary?” If you are like me and so many others you think of people like Suellen Black going off to foreign lands and dedicating their lives to serving that local population through spreading the Gospel, teaching, and selfless hard labors? You […]
Continue ReadingWhat About Stewardship?
I have a feeling that stewardship is one of those areas that we don’t pay adequate attention to. When stewardship is discussed among Christians it is usually from the perspective of raising funds for the church budget. While that is certainly an aspect of stewardship, it is so much more. In Luke 19 we read […]
Continue ReadingFootball Games Are Not For Me
I’ve made up my mind never to attend another football game. I’ve been a huge fan for many years, but now I’ve had it. Let me list the reasons why: I was taken to too many games by my parents when I was young. The games are always played when I want to do […]
Continue ReadingNo Pain, No Gain
There is an expression among those who exercise regularly, “No Pain, No Gain.” The expression basically means that if you are not willing to work hard and suffer a little for your efforts, then you are not going to accomplish very much. The same principle is true in life as well. In order to be productive […]
Continue ReadingGrace and the GPS
A few summers ago I was asked to explain a Baptist’s definition of God’s grace to someone who was brought up in a religion that taught grace through works. I had fully intended to use the “Free $100 Bill” demonstration that Pastor Gage and others have shown me in the past. But God had a […]
Continue ReadingMake Time for What is Important to You
The title of this was told to me by a teacher when he was referring to my effort in my academic studies, or should I say my lack of effort. I have never forgotten this important bit of advice especially when I have difficulty motivating myself to accomplish something. Recently I am familiar with a […]
Continue ReadingMy Favorite Hymns
I have some favorite songs. Honestly, I like almost everything we sing as a congregation at First Baptist but I place high value on songs that teach us about the Christian life, highlight true things about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that make us hungry for a deeper relationship with Christ. That’s the […]
Continue ReadingUseful Apps for Christians
One of the best thing about the advancement of technology and the internet is the availability of information and resources right at the tip of our fingers. In the past, the information we depended on other people to, hopefully, be able to provide, we can now access as quickly as we can type something into […]
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