Growth Groups Starting at FBC

Growth Groups help you connect and GROW!
Growth Groups are now available at First Baptist Church and we invite you to join us! Our first groups will spend six sessions going a little deeper into The Art of Neighboring. If you missed Pastor Mark’s messages you can listen to them HERE.
What is a Growth Group?
A Growth Group is a place to build deeper relationships with others, to be encouraged, to grow in your faith, to ask hard questions, to pray, to build up others, to experience community, to serve with others, to fellowship, and to have a good time. As we read the Gospels we see that Jesus spent most of His time with smaller groups of people: talking, eating, asking questions, challenging them, and encouraging them. God never intended us to live our Christian faith alone; He expects us to grow in a community. Our desire is to help you find the place where God’s Word meets real life.
When do Growth Groups meet?
Groups will typically meet twice a month on a set day. Your group will meet for approximately one and a half hours.
Where do Growth Groups meet?
Groups usually meet in the homes of our church members. Hosts will list helpful information such as stairs and accessibility or if they have pets.
How long do Growth Groups last?
The schedule may vary, but your group will probably meet for a several months, take a break for holidays and then start up again.
How do I sign up?
There will be sign-up sheets at the Welcome Center. Each group will have a maximum capacity based on the host’s home.
What if I don’t feel comfortable in my group?
You are free to move to another group if there is room, but we would prefer if you can commit to staying with your group until that session ends. Talk to Pastor Mark if you need help.
What about my children?
Each group handles childcare differently. Children or older teens may be welcome in some groups. We are aware that the cost and logistics of childcare can be a real hindrance to participation, but we don’t want them to be. A variety of options may be available. Talk to the group hosts or leaders for more information.
Categories: Announcements, Blog, Community, Growth Groups