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Sermons in “The Art of Neighboring”

Art of Neighboring – The Fear Factor
May 6, 2018 Mark Massaro Family, Fear, Friendship, Life, Neighbor, witness Luke, Numbers The Art of Neighboring
We are afraid of a lot of things, but loving our neighbors should not be one of them. Jesus commanded us to do this, so He will give us the courage, strength, and power to do it.
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The Art of Neighboring – The Time Barrier
How am I going to have time for one more relationship? Let alone eight new relationships with my neighboring houses? Time is the biggest obstacle we need to overcome to be effective and loving neighbors.
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The Art of Neighboring – The Great Commandment
What would happen if every follower of Jesus took the Great Commandment literally? What if we actually got to know our neighbors and loved them the way God loves us?
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