Social Media Evangelism — First Baptist Church Dunkirk NY

Social Media Evangelism

Admit it. Young or old, man or woman, Facebook and other social media sites are probably a part of your life in some form or fashion. There has never been a time when every single person is able to instantaneously reach thousands of people at a time. Shouldn’t we use it as an evangelism tool? Here are a few suggestions of ways to post:
Check In/Tag Yourself
This is an easy one. When you come to church, or events connected to the church, check in on Facebook. When your friends and mutual friends start seeing a lot of check-ins from our church, they will see that God is working and want to come check it out!

Invite Your Friends to Events
Another easy one. Share events with your friends list. When you see an event listed like the Kidz Klub program or picnics or any of the different events we do, just click the ‘share’ link and invite your friends!

Post Pictures or Sermon Points
Feel free to take a picture during the service and post that! Or, you could post things that hit you from the sermon. This works especially well if you are on Twitter!

Post Sermons and Events in the Bible App
FBC is in the Bible app every week! When you click on our service you will be able to share sermon notes, pictures or Bible verses right from the app.

Tell Your Story!
There is no greater platform for you to share how God has worked in your life. Use that platform! Keep it personal and keep it real.

Do you have some other ideas for using social media? Let us know in the comments section below!

Categories: Social Media, Top 5 Lists