Scripture: John 3:1-21
What is Church?
A church is a group of Christians
Who assemble as an earthly embassy of Christ’s heavenly kingdom
To proclaim the good news and commands of Christ the king
To affirm one another as his citizens through the ordinances
And to display God’s own holiness and love
Through a unified and diverse people
In all the world
Following the teaching and example of elders.
A simpler statement: A group of people who know they are loved by Christ and have begun loving one another that way.
Joining a Family
New Birth
- John 3:1-8
- Galatians 4:4-7
Gathered to Worship
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
Set Apart
- Ezekiel 36:26-27
- Philippians 1:6
The Gospel
As I said before, the Gospel, the Good News, is that God send His Son Jesus to be the savior of the world – to die in our place, paying for our sins, and then rise from the dead to show His power of death and the grave. The first step of is to recognize, admit your own sin, confess that to God and accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only way to be forgiven. This restores your relationship with God and brings peace through Jesus. The next step is baptism and joining with other believers to grow and encourage others. Christianity has never been a solo act. It is a family, a community, that loves each other.
Take Aways
- Have you been born again? Adopted into God’s family by repenting of your sin and trusting Jesus as your Savior?
- Have you been baptized as a believer?
- Those are the only requirements for joining the church.
- Have you become a member of a church and committed to be part of that family?
- If you are already a member, are you living a set apart life that brings glory to God and encourages and builds up other members of the church?
This sermon series is based on the book Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ is Essential? by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman with 9Marks and The Gospel Coalition. Come out to a Growth Group for deeper discussion on these questions and more.
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