Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Obey the government
- Submit to authority
- Obey every human institution
- Emperor as supreme
- Governors
- Punish evil
- Reward good
- Why?
- For the Lord’s sake – do all to glory of God
- Public attitudes and behavior are testimony of God’s sovereignty and our submission to the will of God
- Obeying and submitting to earthly authority acknowledges and honors God’s sovereignty
- It shows we trust Him as ruler of all
- It shows humility and mercy to unbelievers
Live as free people
- Free from death penalty
- Free from sin
- Free to obey God
- Honor everyone
- Love other Christians
- Fear God
- Honor the emperor
Closing Thoughts
How are you responding to our government leaders?
Do your attitude, words and actions show submission and obedience?
It’s not about me!
Model Citizen show we honor and submit to God’s authority in everything.
Hope is found in Jesus Christ
Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Admit Believe Confess