Love in the Gospel – ReDiscover Christmas

Scripture: Various

Love in the Manger

Love is not a squishy feeling.
Love is choosing the do the best thing for another because you choose to love them.
Love is action, not just words.

Love on the Cross

Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Jesus wept over lost people.
Jesus loved His disciples and prayed for them.
Jesus forgave those who tortured and crucified Him.

Jesus gave His own life to provide salvation.
Jesus suffered and was tempted like us.
Jesus forgave Peter who betrayed Him.

Love for Others

Love God & Love others.
Our response: Love God and keep His commandments.
Share the Gospel with others.
Love brothers & sisters in Christ.

Test of salvation:

1. Doesn’t keep sinning the same
2. Loves brothers & sisters in Christ
3. Obeys God’s Word

Take Aways

Show God’s love to others.

God demonstrated His love by Jesus’ dying on the cross.

Have you accepted the greatest Christmas gift of all?

Are you growing to be more like Jesus?

Are you reading God’s Word and following it?