Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:26-40
That’s where the series title “Living in Light of Eternity” comes from. With our view of eternity, knowing that our souls will go on forever and ever, knowing that God will judge our behavior, and knowing that His Son Jesus died so that we can spend eternity with God – how should we think, live, and act today?
The city of Corinth was a key seaport city in the Roman Empire’s trade route. Like many other wealthy crossroads cities, it had a reputation for immorality, religious diversity and corruption. A lot like our culture today. As we read this letter to another group of Christians in another church from another century, let’s watch for principles or teachings that apply to our church community right here in Dunkirk.
The Focus of chapters 11-14 are on the gathering of the church. What our purposes for church are and how should we treat each other.
A God of Peace
You may have noticed our worship services are also calm and orderly. People are not jumping up and saying whatever they want. We are not running around and working ourselves up into a physical frenzy. Our worship team is leading us in singing together, not performing for their own recognition or praise. All glory, honor, praise belongs to Jesus alone, and that is our aim. We are hearing from God through His Word as we read it together, as it is preached and explained, as we sing songs that come from God’s Word. We worship a God of peace in a way that brings us peace and directs our thoughts and hearts to Him.
Rules for Worship
Women in Church
Wives submit to your own husband as you submit to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. And Husbands love your wife sacrificially, but her needs and what is best for her ahead of yourself just as Christ loved the church and was willing to die for us. Love your wife as yourself and wives respect your husband.
We follow God’s ordained pattern of men in positions of spiritual authority in the church. This may not be popular, but it is God’s Word.
Take Aways
Do you prepare your heart for worship each Sunday? Getting a good night’s sleep. Coming on time for the whole worship service. Sitting quietly or praying before the service starts. Five minute reminder – you should be in the sanctuary. Two minute reminder – you should be in your seat. When Welcome Video comes on you should be quietly listening or praying. This effects everyone else around you as well.
Do you agree with the Bible’s teaching about the sign gifts that have ended?
Do you agree with the Bible’s teaching about women not in authority in the church?
Do you help keep things decently and in order with the goal of building up others and yourself? Unless you are sick, leaving for the bathroom on a regular basis is not necessary and it will disturb others.
This passage is written specifically to church members about how to conduct ourselves in a worship service. If you are not part of the church family – have you trusted Jesus Christ as Savior? He is the reason that all of this matters. He is the reason we spend this hour together each Sunday. We want to glorify and lift Him up. We want to share the good news that you can be saved and that Jesus is worthy of all your worship and attention.