COVID Update May 19, 2021

Dear Church Family and Friends,
Praise God that our nation and our state are starting to see positive changes in the pandemic and are lifting more of the restrictions. We will obey the state requirements and honor those in authority over us while we show grace to those who are fearful or at greater risk. Let’s continue to remember what God’s Word says: “Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.” Romans 14:10.
The statement below is from the State of New York.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that beginning May 19, New York State will adopt the CDC’s “Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People” for most business and public settings. Small-scale events will be able to apply the revised business mask and capacity rules. Specifically, for events below the State’s social gathering limit of 250 indoors.
- Fully vaccinated attendees may be spaced directly next to one another at 100 percent capacity instead of 6 feet apart in assigned sections that are designated solely for fully vaccinated individuals. Masks are optional.
- Unvaccinated attendees and attendees who have an unknown vaccination status must be spaced 6 feet apart in assigned sections. Masks will be required in indoor event settings, except while seated and eating or drinking.
Changes for First Baptist Church – Dunkirk starting Sunday May 23, 2021.
- We will no longer require temperatures and pre-screening for church services. Screening and masks are still required for Monday through Friday for Central Christian Academy.
- Masks and six-foot distancing will not be required for those who are fully vaccinated.
- Masks and six-foot distancing in the rear section of the auditorium, foyer, and in the Fellowship Hall will still be available.
- We will continue to offer hand-sanitizer stations and encourage proper hygiene. The air ventilation system will still be used during the singing portion of the service.
We want to keep welcoming, loving, and being gracious to all who come. Let’s be steadfast in prayer for our government, communities, and neighbors. If you have questions, please contact the church office.
In His service,
Pastor Mark Massaro
Categories: Announcements, Community