21 Traits of a Good Friend

Are you a good friend? Here are twenty-one traits or qualities that you should be developing in your friendships. They are also good qualities to look for and encourage in a new friend.
How many do you have? What are the top ones you want to work on?
Twenty-One Traits to develop & look for in your friendships.
- Servant’s heart – putting your friend ahead of yourself
- Willing to go anywhere, do anything for your friend
- Dependable – Do you show up when you say you will?
- Faithful – Can you be counted on?
- Mediator – Are you willing to get messy to help solve problems between other friends?
- Willing to humbly take correction and instruction?
- Give people a chance – Do you pre-judge people?
- Make room for new friends
- Through thick or thin
- Sympathetic Heart
- Stick with friends through ups & downs of life and/or ministry
- Prayer Warrior – Do you pray for your friends?
- Willing to forgive a friend
- Compassionate & Caring
- Brag about your friends!
- Be there when you are needed
- Care about your friend’s faith
- Hospitable – Can a friend stop by any time?
- Welcoming – Do you make people comfortable in your home?
- Willing to fight for your friend – Do you stand up for them when no one else will?
- Show God’s Grace – Do you show kindness & patience especially when it is not deserved?
Jesus said they will know you are Christians by your love (John 13:35).
Listen to the message “That’s What Friends are For” from the book of Colossians.
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