Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24


When you were growing up, did teachers and parents say something like “you can be whatever you want when you grow up?” You can be an astronaut or an artist or a ballerina or a New York Yankee or president of the United States. Dream big! Well, guess what? There was little chance of me being any of those things. I wasn’t particularly good a math, science or painting. I would definitely not look good in a tutu. My baseball skills were so good that I was always given the prestigious position of right field. And I wasn’t born into a wealthy enough family to become a politician. My dreams of being a Top Gun fighter pilot were dashed when I learned that I was too tall and my eye sight was not perfect. Did your childhood dreams come true?

The typical person finds their identity in their job or career. But most companies no longer offer lifetime security. The majority of workers in our millennial generation is expected to only stay in a job for less than three years. People are looking for fulfillment, purpose, and real meaning in their jobs but are more and more dissatisfied. Even seeking happiness in personal relationships is not satisfying if we only stay while we feel the other person makes me happy.

Thanks for depressing us, Pastor Mark!

The good news from today’s passage in 1 Corinthians 7, is that our calling in life comes from God and the one who created you will not only help you find purpose, but he promises abundant joy when we do it His way.


We are returning to our series in 1 Corinthians called Living in Light of Eternity. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth about some very serious problems they were dealing with like sexual morality, marriage, using our spiritual gifts, and the need for everything to be done in love. And then he gave them encouraging theology about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and our future resurrection as believers. That’s where the series title “Living in Light of Eternity” comes from. With our view of eternity, knowing that our souls will go on forever and ever, knowing that God will judge our behavior, and knowing that His Son Jesus died so that we can spend eternity with God, how should we think, live, and act today?

The city of Corinth was a key seaport city in the Roman Empire’s trade route. Like many other wealthy crossroads cities, it had a reputation for immorality, religious diversity and corruption. A lot like our culture today. As we read this letter to another group of Christians in another church from another century, let’s watch for principles or teachings that apply to our church community right here in Dunkirk.

God Assigns and Calls you

verse 17

Vertical Direction

Horizontal Direction

God’s Instruction

verse 17

Lead the life God assigned to you and called you to.

Colossians 3:17, 23-24


verses 18-22



Final Word

verses 23-24

Reminder: Bought with a price

Command: Don’t give up your freedom.

Be content with God.

Take Homes

Have you responded to God’s call?

Are your vertical and horizontal callings in line?

Are there idols in your life? Things that enslave you?

Are you content with where God has you and what He has called you to do?