Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
That’s where the series title “Living in Light of Eternity” comes from. With our view of eternity, knowing that our souls will go on forever and ever, knowing that God will judge our behavior, and knowing that His Son Jesus died so that we can spend eternity with God – how should we think, live, and act today?
The Focus of chapter 15 is the resurrection – its centrality and vitality in the Gospel, the hope it gives us in this life and eternity, what resurrected bodies are like, and finally the victory we find in Christ.
A Mystery
Verses 50-53
Paul starts out referring back to Jesus’ discussion with Nicodemus in
. “How can someone enter God’s kingdom and ultimately heaven?” Jesus answered, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” In other words, “no human being can go to heaven.” We cannot become part of God’s kingdom physically. Jesus said, you must be born again spiritually. Spiritual rebirth is necessary for someone to be ready for heaven because we are born separated from God by our sin. You may be thinking, well, maybe that’s some terrible person somewhere else. I was born in a Christian home. We always went to church. I’m a pretty good person. Surely, I must be ready for heaven. Paul wrote in the book of Romans to answer this really clearly.
Verses 54-57
In verse 54, Paul says when this happens, when your perishable body is replaced by the imperishable or eternal body, the words of the prophet Isaiah will be fulfilled. Do any of you have Bibles with little letters above certain words or verses? This is a cross-reference. What verse is listed by the word “Death?” Mine says
Not only do we have victory over death and the grave, through Jesus we have victory over sin. It no longer has power or complete control over us. Back in
Now What?
Verse 58
- Be steadfast and immovable.
Always abounding in the work of the Lord.
Our work for God is never in vain.
We all need a regular Spiritual Checkup.
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