Trusting God

Scripture: Genesis 7

Noah Trusted God

Noah trusted God and obeyed Him. His trust and his obedience to God saved Him. God chose Noah, but he still had to follow God in faithful obedience. He trusted God and believed that God would save him and his family just as God said He would. This morning as we continue in the life of Noah and the account of the flood, watch for where Noah trusts and obeys God. It made all the difference in his life, and it will make a world of difference in yours too.

Noah Obeyed God

Hebrews 11:7 – Saved by Faith not Works

Matthew 11:28-30 – Obeying Jesus and His Word is “easy” because it is what’s best for us.

1 Peter 3:20-22 – Ark was symbol of Baptism. Baptism is a symbol of a believer’s death to sin and new life in Jesus Christ.

Where are you not trusting God?

Where are you not obeying God?

Maybe you are still struggling with trusting God and obeying Him day to day we are here to help. First Baptist Church desires to Worship God, to Grow in Christ-likeness, and to Share His love and the Gospel with the world around us. A growth group or Sunday School class, or Bible study are the places to learn and grow in your faith. If you need personal help in your Christian walk or in your marriage, we offer biblical counseling.