Scripture: John 14:15-31 and John 16:6-15
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and an equal part of the godhead or Trinity. The word “trinity” doesn’t appear in the Bible, but it is helpful for us to understand and talk about one God in three distinct persons. One of the early church fathers, Augustine said “the Trinity is the one, only, and true God, and that one rightly says, believes, and understands that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are of one and the same substance or essence.”
Blessings (or Attributes) of the Holy Spirit
- First, the Spirit will teach and help you remember God’s Word.
Secondly, the Holy Spirit is a huge part of salvation. In 16:8 the Holy Spirit will convict the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment.
Third, The Holy Spirit leads us.
Fourth, the Holy Spirit gives every believer spiritual gifts for the purpose of serving others for the common good of the church.
Fifth, when we are so distraught, confused, and unable to pray clearly, the Holy Spirit is with us.
Sixth, the Holy Spirit develops in believers, evidence that there has been a change, spiritual new life. Jesus said, the world will know you are my disciples by your love for each other.
Finally, the Holy Spirit is involved in our resurrection. The Holy Spirit will give our mortal bodies eternal life or immortality. Not because of anything we have done, not by our education, or money, or family background, or even church attendance and good deeds – it’s only by the Holy Spirit in us that we will see heaven and be with Jesus for eternity.