Galatians 5:17
Romans 7:18-19
Ephesians 4:22-24
Ephesians 6:4
Psalm 103:13
Psalm 103:13
Compassion in action
James 1:17-18
1 John 4:8
God is complex and multi-faceted
Take Aways
1. How do I respond to God’s Word? Do I read it and obey it? Is God’s word the place I go for answers and comfort? Do I believe it has final authority in my life? Do I believe it is all-sufficient – supplying everything I need for life and godliness?
2. How do I respond to God’s World? Do I have love and compassion for the lost instead of contempt and prejudice? Do I share the Gospel and live as a light to point people to Christ? Do I bring glory to God by living out His character to my family, my neighbors, my co-workers, my community? Watching your life will they know God’s patience, generosity, compassion, and love?
3. How do I respond to God’s Grace? Have I accept God’s gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ? Do I keep trying to earn my salvation or earn God’s favor by trying harder and working at it more or do I know His grace so deeply that it naturally overflows to the people around me? Instead of running from God’s grace embrace it and rejoice in it.