Matthew 28:18-20
Great Commission
1. Go to all the nations with the Gospel
2. Make Disciples
3. Baptize them
4. Teach them to obey God’s Word
2 Corinthians 1:4–5
Greet One Another
1 Cor 16:20 “Greet one another”
1. Guest ( you don’t know)
2. Guest (returning)
3. Someone sitting alone
4. Children & Teens
Thoughtful Conversations
Not just surfacy questions
- Is this your first time here?
- Are you from the area?
- How long?
- Family nearby?
- Work or school?
- How was your week?
- How is work/school going?
- Any challenges or good things?
- How are you really doing?
- What has God been teaching you?
YOU take the first step
Enjoy One Another
Look for good character qualities
Listen for what people enjoy
Pay attention – listen first
Enjoy who they are
Re Cap
Moving towards people
Greeting them
Short meaningful conversations
Discover what they care about
Pray for them
Longer deeper conversations
Continue to pray
Goal is side by side discipleship
Exodus 34:6
Show Compassion
1 Peter 5:7 – God cares for you
Gal 6:2 – Bear one another’s burdens
John 13:34 – Love one another
Try to avoid saying:
1. It could be worse
2. What is God teaching you through this?
3. If you need anything, call me.
Pray During Trouble
“Can I pray with you right now?”
Pray for healing, comfort, faith, what is troubling them. For God to be glorified.
Follow up!
Take Aways
Have you chosen to be a follower (disciple) of Jesus Christ?
How are you doing with moving & greeting?
Are you church conversations still “surfacy”?
Are you enjoying your brothers & sisters in church?
How can you show more compassionate care?
Will you pray with someone today or this week?