Just like regular check-ups at the doctor help track growth and find possible problems, a spiritual check-up can keep us on track or get us back on track to out where we need to change or what we need to keep doing well.
Let’s see what God’s Word has to say about spiritual check-ups
Lamentations 3:40-41
Psalm 139:23
Psalm 51:10
2 Corinthians 13:5
James 1:22-24
These verses tell us to examine ourselves; to test our faith; to invite God to search our hearts and point out what needs to change; to clean up and renew our hearts; and finally to apply Scripture to make the changes needed.
Spiritual Targets
God’s purpose and plan for you is to be like Jesus Christ, His Son. The model of a human who is in a perfect relationship with God. Jesus fully obeyed His Father and said He came not to do His own will but the will of the Father. He lived in complete obedience to God and under the authority of God.
Romans 8:28-29 – conformed or molded into the image of Jesus
Colossians 1:28-29 – spiritually mature in Jesus Christ
John 14:15, 21, 31 – keep or obey Christ’s commandments which is “God’s Word”
Galatians 5:16, 18, 22-23, 25 – live controlled by the Holy Spirit with clear outward evidences
People will see and know that you fully love God by evidence of your obedience to His Word.
External Check-Up
- Reading God’s Word daily
- Praying regularly
- Sharing the Gospel – last time you told someone about the hope in you? Who are you praying for?
- Memorizing Scripture – Psalm 19:14
- Serving & supporting the local church – budget reflect a commitment to heavenly treasures or earthly one?
- Influencing others – encouraging disciples, mentoring someone
- Encouraging global missions
- Fruit visible in your life? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Would your family and friends easily see these?
Internal Check-up Heart Exam
- Daily talk reflect godliness? Eph 5 thankful, encouraging, building up, gracious
- Someone you need to forgive? Eph 4 Forgive as God in Christ has forgiven you.
- Idols in your heart? – anything that you want and desire more than pleasing God. If I will sin to get it, sin to keep it, or sin to protect it – it’s an idol.
- Love your actual neighbors – getting to really know the people living and working around you?
- Where do you look for answers? Internet, bloggers, self-help or God’s Word
- Does your marriage or relationship reflect Christ’s unconditional love for the church and the respect and honor He calls for in Eph 5?
- Are you leading and encouraging your family to live like Jesus Christ?
- Are you actively fighting sin in your life? Have you given up or are you asking God to search you and see what needs to be removed?
This morning I wanted to share these words with you, not to discourage you or to make you feel worthless for not measuring up.
2 Tim 1:7 says “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control.”
Jesus said in John 15 & 16, I will send you the Helper, the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth.”
READ 2 Cor 3:17-18 & 4:1 “We do not lose heart.”
As you look at these external and internal check-ups, pray and ask God to show you where to begin. Identify three to tackle first. Maybe talk to your spouse, family member or closest friend to help you. Prayer, asking God for the strength and courage to change along regular time in God’s Word are the keys. We won’t see lasting spiritual change and transformation with God’s work through His Spirit within us.
Just like long-term health or financial fitness, we need to change the way we believe and think in our hearts – seeking to glorify God in everything we do, in order to truly change the way we live our lives to please Him.