Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:1-8
From (Author)
Author is the Apostle Paul
Acts 7:58
Acts 9:15-16
Acts 13
To (Recipient)
Recipient is the Church in Corinth
Acts 18 – start of the church in Corinth
Reason or occasion for this letter
1 Cor 1:11; 7:1
Sexual immorality, church discipline, marriage, and divorce
Christian Liberty
Corporate worship & spiritual gifts
Resurrection of Jesus and future for believers
Take Homes
Two final destinations for eternity.
Will you spend it in heaven or hell?
What should you live your life?
The Bible Project Overview
Watch the 1 Corinthians video or view and download the graphic below.
The Apostle Paul used the same formula for each of the issues throughout the letter to the church in Corinth.
- Define the Problem
- Respond with the Gospel
- Because of the resurrection we have hope for _________