Hope in God’s Promises – Introduction

What’s so great about God’s promises?

You know what’s so great about God’s promises? No matter how hard you lean on them – they will never break! Scripture tells us that God never lies and He never changes. He is faithful and true and we can always count on Him with complete confidence. God’s timeless character is the source of our hope.

This morning and over the rest of the summer we will talk about how to find promises in God’s Word, what are the different types of promises, to whom were the promises made, do they apply to us today, and along the way find hope in the sure promises of God that we can count on no matter what. God’s promises often say more about who He is or what He is doing than about a specific circumstance or outcome. Listen to that again. God’s promises often say more about who He is or what He is doing than about a specific circumstance or outcome. We are promised the certainty of God in and through our circumstances but not promises of the circumstances themselves. Remember God uses the trials and pressure in our lives to sanctify us and make us more like His Son Jesus Christ. He never promised our lives would be free from trouble – but He did promise He would never leave or forsake those who are called His children.

Common Mistakes

  1. Confusing a promise with a principle
  2. Ignoring the context
  3. Overlooking the “if
  4. Choosing selectively
  5. Choosing manipulatively
  6. Limiting a promise to my understanding 

Avoiding Pitfalls

  • Do your homework
  • Check your motive

Types of Promises

  • Warning Promises
  • Saving Promises
  • Motivating Promises
  • Guiding Promises
  • Comforting Promises
  • Lifting Promises
  • Hopeful Promises