Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Intro: Two Gospels
- God is holy. We have all sinned, separating us from God. But God sent his Son to die on the cross and rise again so that we might be forgiven. Everyone who believes in Jesus can have eternal life. We’re not justified by works. We’re justified by faith alone. The gospel therefore calls all people to “just believe!” An unconditionally loving God will take you as you are.
- God is holy. We have all sinned, separating us from God. But God sent his Son to dies on the cross and rise again so that we might be forgiven and begin to follow the Son as King and Lord. Anyone who repents and believes can have eternal life, a life which begins today and stretches into eternity. We’re not justified by works. We’re justified by faith alone, but the faith which works is never alone. The gospel therefore calls all people to “repent and believe.” A contra-conditionally loving God will take you contrary to what you deserve, and then enable you by the power of the Spirit to become holy and obedient like his Son. By reconciling you to himself, God also reconciles you to his family, the church, and enables you as his people to repent together his own holy character and triune glory.
(source 9Marks Church Discipline)
The Problem
verse 1
• Sexual immorality is in the church
• porneia = sinful sexual activity
• Ignoring blatant, ongoing sin by a church member is not OK.
Actions of Discipline
verses 2-5, 12-13
- Mourn over the sin
- Pronounce judgement
- Remove the man from fellowship if he does not repent
- Put him outside the church
- No longer fellowship with him
- Don’t associate or eat with him
Reasons for Discipline
verses 6-8
• Sin impacts the whole church like leaven (yeast)
• Judge & discipline only believers (members)
• Ultimate goal is restoration (Gal. 6:1)
• Purpose is to prompt repentance
Steps following repentance
• Show grace
• Forgive and comfort
• Reaffirm love and care
• welcome back into fellowship
• Demonstrate God’s grace to all of us
Take Homes
Have you repented of your sins, trusted Jesus as your Savior and submitted to as Lord of your life?
If Jesus is Lord of your life, are you living like it?
Have you submitted to the authority of a local church?