Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Settle your Disputes

verses 1-8
Don’t bring another Christian to court over small things.
Resolve these issues within the church.
Matthew 18 – Forgive and forgive again

About your Past

verses 9-10
Gospel Amnesia
Who you once were – before Jesus changed you.

About your Present & Future

verse 11
Washed – New life in Christ
Sanctified – New way of thinking and living
Justified – New standing before God
Ephesians 4:17-32


Gospel Amnesia – thinking and acting like you did before meeting Jesus Christ.
Antidote – remember you were washed, sanctified, and justified.
Testimony – show world we are different
Big Issues – go to the authorities

Take Homes

Do you regularly admit your own sin?

Do you seek to forgive and be a peacemaker?

Are you willing to give up your own rights?

Are you holding on to bitterness and anger?

Do you spend time in God’s Word and give the Holy Spirit control?

Are you more like Jesus today than last year?