Key Idea
God’s promises usually say more about who He is or what He is doing than about a certain situation or an outcome we may desire.
Defeated or Discouraged?
How many of you are tired today? It was the first week of school for many or our students and teachers. Anyone discouraged because the week did not end the way you hoped? Who wants to be done with coronavirus, masks, social distancing and quarantines? Anyone thinking everyone is out to get you – and that’s just at home? Who is feeling discouraged, broken hearted, alone, defeated, unworthy, unappreciated or unloved?
I hope as you listen to God’s Word this morning you will be lifted up and encouraged – because God loves you, He listens to you, and He never leaves His children alone. He created you to know and love Him and to bring glory to His Son Jesus Christ. Whatever is happening, glorifying Christ should be your final aim.
Six Comforting Promises
- Lamentations 3:21-23
- Joshua 1:9
- Psalm 46:1-2
- Romans 8:37-39
- Romans 15:13
- 1 John 1:9
The Gospel
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, took the weight and punishment for our sins on Himself. He demonstrated God’s love by offering His own life as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sins, then rose from the dead proving He is God. He was lifted up and honored by God the Father. If you have you never confessed your sin and your need for the Savior; I invite you to answer His call today and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You can talk to me today or come visit later.
Take Aways
What do you do when you are feeling discouraged and defeated?
If you feel all alone, how do you connect with God?
When you are afraid do you worry or pray?
Do you focus on your feelings or the truth of God’s Word?
Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior?