The result of hope in your life should be praising and thanking God and then encouraging others with that same hope.
When the shepherds heard this message of peace they ran to see the newly born Messiah and left glorifying and praising God telling everyone they met about Jesus.
Do you take credit for peace in your life – or do you glorify God by letting everyone know it’s only because of Him?
Will you choose joy by trusting God and His promises? Will you share your joy with others like Zechariah? Instead of choosing worry, despair, or disappointment in our immediate situation – rejoice in all that God has done, is doing in your life, and will do in the future.
When God’s love disrupted Mary’s life she accepted all that was coming even the pain of watching her son die on a cross. Mary’s love was evident to everyone around her.
Is yours? In John 13 Jesus said, people will know you are my followers because of your love for one another. Love others the way I love you. Unconditionally, faithfully, selflessly. That’s impossible, right? As the angel said to Mary, “Nothing is impossible with God.”
Take Aways
Do have you hope about today and the future?
Does God’s peace guard and protect your thoughts and your heart?
Is Joy obvious in your heart and words?
Do you Love others the way God loves you?
These are all gifts from God. If you have never accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ – then that is your first step. Come talk to me after the service or contact me through the church office if you’re watching on-line.
If you are already a follower of Jesus, just how closely are you following? These are all results of the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in your life. As we begin a new year, take a deeper look in your life and ask God to help you make sure Jesus is on display.