Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
Christian Liberty Guidelines (vv 23-29)
Freedom is liberty within bounds: liberty to obey holy laws, liberty to keep the commandments of Christ, to serve mankind, to develop to the full all the latent possibilities within our redeemed natures. True Christian liberty never sets us free to indulge our lusts or to follow our fallen impulses.
A. W. Tozer
Building Up Others (v 23)
The first guideline is, building up others. Yes you have freedom in Christ, but you need to ask “is what you’re doing helpful to others?” Verse 23 clarifies what is helpful when he says “not all things build up.” If what you are doing is discouraging others in their faith or in their obedience to Christ then don’t do it. Paul tells the believers in Ephesus, “don’t let your speech be corrupting or tearing down.”
Others First (v 24)
v. 24 Paul says, don’t use your freedom to satisfy your own desires. Instead see the good of your neighbor. Maybe you remember the “JOY” acrostic. Jesus, Others, You. That was a simple reminder to put others first. If your actions are totally selfish, then they are not pleasing to God. The popular saying “you have to learn to love yourself before you can love someone else” is not only selfish it is not biblical. We are born selfish.
Christ is our example of humility and putting others first. Paul tells us to have the mind of Christ. Think about yourself the way Jesus did and serve others as he did.
Liberty & Thankfulness (vv 25-30)
You have freedom to eat food from the market without questioning where it came from. Paul quotes
Psalm 24, which Sarah read for us earlier. Everything God gave us on the earth is good and for our good. This was typically used as a blessing or prayer of thanks when a family sat to eat.
But, as Paul has said over and over, we should be ready to give up our liberties for the sake of others – particularly new or weaker believers.
Glory of God (vv. 31)
Here is the over-arching life principle that should guide your every thought, choice, and word. In everything you do, even your food and drink choices – do everything for God’s Glory. Gloria Patri! Glory to God the Father.
The Glory of God is bringing him honor, directing people to see and know him, highlighting Him and his character. Showing people what he is like. Who he is.
You are an ambassador for God’s kingdom. Are you representing Him well? Would people want to renounce their citizenship in the world and be part of that Kingdom because of you?