Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
First Importance
Jesus Appeared
After coming back to life, Jesus lived on earth for forty days, and was seen by the women who came and found the empty tomb, the disciples, five hundred more, and Paul. He walked with them, talked with them, even cooked and ate with some of them. This was further evidence that all he said and did during his ministry on earth was true. He proved that he was a prophet of God because his prediction of his death and resurrection in three days was true. His miracles proved he had power from God over sickness, blindness, physical elements, and even over death. The angels sang at his birth for the shepherds to hear and proclaim as witnesses. He said himself he was the Messiah, the Son of God. And the Father at his baptism and his glorification announced for all there to hear, “this is my beloved Son.” And now over five hundred eye witnesses saw him alive again.
Least of the Apostles
The last eye-witness to see Jesus on earth was Paul. In verse 9 Paul humbly calls himself the least of the apostles. This is another indication that this letter to the Corinthians from Paul is authentic. If the early Christians wanted to get a bigger audience, they would have made themselves out to be heroes. Peter clearly denied Jesus and John was not willing to cover that up, by leaving it out of the Gospel accounts. Paul calls himself unworthy of being called an apostle. Not only are these books of the Bible authentic, but their authors and the people they wrote about were real, flesh and blood, humans with good days and bad days. They made mistakes, they committed sins, but they also followed Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, were able to write true accounts of Jesus’ life, and real messages from God.