Scripture: John 15:1-17


Our current sermon series is based on Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples. His three-year earthly ministry was coming to a close, and He knew that his death, burial, and resurrection were imminent. He wanted to prepare His disciples for what was coming next and for how they should continue His ministry.

John 13-16 is the basics of being His follower – like a 101 Intro Class at school. These were the last most important things Jesus wanted to share with his disciples, so I want to share them with you.

In today’s message from John 15, Jesus says His disciples, his followers, are like branches that must remain deeply connected to Him, the one true vine.

Vine & Branches

Jesus starts out by saying He is the true vine – the Messiah from Israel, God’s chosen people. Then He describes God, the Father, as the caretaker of the vineyard. And his disciples are branches that are supposed to bear or produce fruit. They can only do this when they stay connected.
Jesus is the True Vine
God, the Father, is the Caretaker
Disciples are the Branches
1 John 2:24-25
2 Cor 5:21
Eph 2:8
1 John 3:9-10
Romans 7
Love one another:
* Sacrificially
* Generously
* Selflessly
* Compassionately
* Patiently
* Supportively


God prunes the vine to protect it and help it produce more fruit.
Matt 5:12 – Not real disciples
2 Pet 1
Obey My commands – God’s Word


Stay connected & bear fruit
Created for good works
Prayers will be answered
Remain in God’s love
Your joy will be full
Jesus is your friend

Take Aways

Are you connected to God?

Are you connected to other disciples at church?

The Trellis and the Vine by Marshall and Payne

The mission of First Baptist Church is to develop missionary disciples who worship God, grow spiritually, and share the Gospel and their spiritual gifts.