Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Source of Gifts
Pagan religions were seeking ecstasy.
God is the giver of all good gifts.
James 1:16-17
“True spiritual gifts are given by God to strengthen and manifest oneness, harmony, and power. Satan’s counterfeit gifts are meant to divide, disrupt, and weaken. God’s gifts build up; Satan’s tear down.”
- Gifts – 1 Peter 4:11
- Services – Mark 10:45
- Activities
Variety of Gifts
Speaking Gifts
* Wisdom
* Knowledge
* Prophecy
* Various kinds of tongues (languages)
* Interpretation of tongues (languages)
Serving Gifts
* Faith
* Healing
* Working of miracles
* Distinguishing between spirits
Purpose of Gifts
Sympheron – common good; mutually beneficial, good, profitable, helpful, bringing together
1 Peter 4:10 – serve each one another
Take Aways
John MacArthur pointed out these eight evidences that the Spirit of God is ruling and empowering a church. Where does our church need to improve? Where do you need to ask God to help you obey?
- Unity of the mission of the church
- A deep and honest fellowship
- Genuine, God-centered worship
- Evangelism is the top priority
- Selfless and sacrificial love
- Believing and obedient to the Word of God
- Willing submission to Jesus as Lord.
- A church full of ministers who serve each other