Scripture: Genesis 41
We are wrapping up our Genesis: Origins series with the life of Joseph. He is portrayed as a type or example of Christ, the coming Messiah. Turn with me to Genesis 41 as we see how Joseph will handle trials, blessings, and God’s grace.
Joseph’s Example to us
After suffering and waiting as a slave and a prisoner for thirteen years, Joseph was blessed beyond imagination. Joseph may have been confused and questioning what was going on. He was in a situation he didn’t want, choose or desire. But God had a bigger better plan and He sovereignly carried it out in His perfect timing.
When you are wondering what is going on; why God would allow something in your life that you don’t want or understand, remember that He is in control and ultimately works things together for the good (Christlikeness) of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
- Joseph did not seek to honor himself. He humbly acknowledged God as the source of wisdom and knowledge.
- Joseph did not seek to promote himself. God promoted him to second highest in Egypt.
James 4 says “He give more grace. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you.” - Joseph did not give in to temptation. God provided a wife and sons. He trusted God for what was best.
James 4 says “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
God’s grace extended to the unbelieving Egyptians and the surrounding lands. Joseph became a savior to countless people and nations through God’s wisdom and discernment of what is good and evil. As I said earlier in the series, Joseph is portrayed as a type or representation of the Messiah. He was humble; unjustly accused and punished, but he was exalted and honored by God and saved his people – just as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would.
Joseph focused on the donut not the hole. Instead of worrying about the coming famine, he saw the blessings, obeyed God completely and trusted His provision for tomorrow.
He was clearly part of God’s ultimate plan and purpose for His people to be the visible representatives of the invisible God in this world.
Revelation & Dreams
Hebrews 1:1-3
God spoke through prophets, but now speaks through His Son, Jesus Christ. We have the final, clear revelation of God’s salvation plan in Jesus Christ. He is the exact imprint of God, who saved us from our sins through His blood on the cross, and then rose again to be seated on the right hand of the Father.
God no longer speaks to us in dreams, He sent His Son to earth and we now have His complete Word. The doctrine of Scripture’s sufficiency reminds us that God’s word tells us all we need to know for life and godliness in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 3:14-17). We don’t need new revelations. We don’t need dreams or vision. We don’t need a council of prophets or a quorum of apostles to present to us new information about Jesus Christ and the gospel. Scripture doesn’t tell us everything we might want to know. But it tells us everything we truly need to know.
That is why reading God’s Word on your own, and being part of a church that preaches and teaches the His Word is so important. If you would like information on being members, there is a brochure at the Welcome Center.
If you don’t know Him as your Savior, please come talk to me (Pastor Mark). Our Fundamentals class will spend the next few weeks learning more about the person of the Son of God, the work or what He accomplished, and salvation through Jesus Christ.