Trunk or Treat
Have FUN and be SAFE this year as you go Trick or Treating at First Baptist Church in Dunkirk.
Church and school families will park their cars in the large parking lot spread out for safety. All volunteers will be pre-screened by taking temperatures and completing COVID safety forms.
Trick or Treat in our parking lot. Trunks or the backs of their vehicles are opened and decorated. Nothing too scary! Kids can safely walk through the parking lot for trick or treating to collect pre-packaged candy and treats from all of the fun-themed cars.
The event provides a safe family environment for trick-or-treaters. And it’s all OUTDOORS!
Please maintain appropriate social distance (6 ft+) whenever possible. We will have a line to enter the parking lot so we can allow a limited number at a time to reduce crowding.
See the CDC guidelines for more safety instructions.
Cars will be parked 6 ft or more apart. Please line up six feet from others not in your family.
Avoid Crowding – if it looks like there is a long line – please come back a little later or wait in your car.
Please park on Central Ave or a side street. Kids will be able to line up socially distanced and make their way through the trunks without crowding. Look for the line!
If it is really pouring out – we may have to cancel. Check our Facebook event for updates.