Father’s Day Service
Join us for a special worship service celebrating Fathers! Special music, a message especially for dads from God’s Word, and a gift for all fathers in attendance.
Fathers are encouraged to wear their favorite “Dad” shirt just for fun (Hawaiian, Bowling, Sports, etc.).
Children are always welcome to stay in the service, or they can go to Kid’s Church for a lesson and activity (K to Fourth Grades).
BRING your Dad, Pop, Father, Grandpa, Gramps, Papa, Papaw, Abba, Babbo, Nono, Padre, Far, Vater, Ojciec, Pere, Baba, Tata, Far-Far, Far-Mor.
We’d love to meet them all!
Our worship service is at 10am today (usually 9:30) and there will be no Sunday School classes.