Signs of the Times Part 1

Scripture: Mark 13:1-13

Temple Destruction Prophesied (vv. 1-2)

Two Questions:

When will this happen?
What will be the sign?

Warnings (vv. 3-13)

Don’t be mislead or deceived‌
Don’t be alarmed‌
Be on your guard‌
Don’t be anxious‌
You will be hated

Enduring Encouragement (vv. 11, 13)

Confidence in God’s sovereign purposes

His presence with us

Eternal Life

Take Aways

But God being rich in mercy
– Ephesians 2:3-4

But you were washed
– 1 Corinthians 6:10-11

Living every day as your last?
Willing to be made fun of?
Willing to be overlooked?
Love your family members?
Sharing the Gospel?