Key Idea
God’s promises usually say more about who He is or what He is doing than about a certain situation or an outcome we may desire.
Why does God warn people?
We usually think of promises as only positives or good things, but God also promises justice and judgment because He is perfect and holy. Today we will look at some of God’s Warning Promises found in Scripture. Although they are warnings of punishment and wrath for those who ignore God, there are usually
Ten Warning Scripture Passages
- Genesis 2:15-17
- Deuteronomy 6:14-15
- Psalm 146:3-5
- John 3:16-17
- Romans 2:6-9
- 2 Corinthians 13:5
- Galatians 1:6-8
- Hebrews 3:7-11
- 2 Peter 3:17
- Revelation 22:18-19
Take Aways
- Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ and trust God alone for your future?
- If you call yourself a Christian, is there evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life?
- Do you know the Gospel and God’s Word well enough to detect counterfeits?
- Have you hardened your heart to ignore God’s Word and His call to obedience?
- Are you firmly committed to reading, understanding and applying God’s Word on a regular basis?
- Are you content with God’s all-sufficient and complete Word or are you looking for something new in all the wrong places?