Scripture: Hosea 11-12
Major Themes of Hosea
- Israel’s rebellion
- Just consequences
- God’s relentless love and mercy
- Hope for redemption & restoration
God’s Patient Kindness
- Loves like a father & son
- Matthew 2:13-15 – Messianic reference
- Love like a farmer & animal
God’s Relentless Love
- God wrestles between love and judgment
- God’s loving judgment
- Hebrews 12:5-12
God’s Unyielding Holiness
- God is righteous and holy
- God is compassionate and loving
- Calls like a roaring lion
God’s Call to Repentance
- Return to Me
- I will save you
- Humble ourselves, confess our sin, repent, and be saved.
Take Aways
- Does that describe your life right now?
- Do you see yourself as a sinner forgiven or as one who is sinned against?
- Are you aware of God’s loving kindness; His patience, forgiveness, and mercy to you?
- Are you extended that same love, forgiveness and mercy to those around you?
- Do you have a personal relationship with God who loves you relentlessly and wants you to know and love Him?
Because our God is holy and perfect, His justice requires judgment for sin. It is only by His mercy and grace that He offered His Son as payment for our sins. His relentless love and loving kindness offers a relationship that will bring healing for your pain, peace to your soul, and satisfaction in the knowing the One who created you to be with Him for eternity.