Christmas 2024

We would love to have you join us to Rediscover Christmas a special Christmas advent series, and with us explore what Christmas is really all about.

Our advent worship services are at 9:30 am Sunday mornings starting on December 1 for the four weeks leading up to Christmas. We will also celebrate a candlelight service on Christmas Eve at 6 pm.

Rediscovering Christmas

In a season often marked by frenzied busyness, Advent is an opportunity to set aside time to prepare our hearts. The traditions and music of advent are designed to help us place our focus on a far greater story than our own—the story of God’s redeeming love for our world. The story of His presence with us always. So no matter what the department stores try to tell you, Christmas has not yet arrived. There is value as well as excitement in patient and expectant waiting. May this be a season of wonder for you. May it be a rediscovery of the Gospel in Christmas. And may the Holy Spirit lead you on a journey of hope, peace, joy, and love—and ultimately to a deeper encounter with Jesus, the Messiah. Emmanuel – God with us.

Join us, as together we rediscover Christmas this year.

HOPE in the Gospel  – December 1

JOY in the Gospel – December 8

PEACE in the Gospel December 15  

LOVE in the Gospel – December 22

Music has always been a huge part of Christmas. It seems like the radio stations and stores just can’t wait to get you in the Christmas spirit. At First Baptist, you can sing your favorite Christmas carols, hear beautiful special music from our church family, and anticipate the weekly lighting of the Advent wreath as we countdown to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Your family will want to stay for delicious cookies, coffee, and cocoa after each service too!

Receive your free copy of  EveryDay Gospel – A Christmas Devotional book.

Our gift to you is a Christmas devotional book for individuals or families. The Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotional is a twenty-five-day Bible reading plan with commentary by author Paul Tripp. It will take you from December 1 through Christmas morning as the glory of the incarnation of the Creator becomes far more attractive than the manufactured delights of Christmas that fight for our attention. Share it with your family or read it on your own.


The four weeks leading up to Christmas have been celebrated throughout the church age as the “Advent” or coming. Each Sunday we will light one of the four candles on the Advent wreath and share God’s message of hope, peace, joy and love through His Word, the Bible. The Old Testament tells of the coming Messiah – the one who would save the world. The New Testament shares the Good News – the Gospel of the arrival of Jesus Christ the Son of God, born in Bethlehem so many years ago.


Tuesday, December 24  Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 6:00 pm

On Christmas Eve we celebrate that Jesus came as the Messiah, the One who would save the people from their sins. Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies spoken of Him through the ages, and in Jesus, we see a beautiful picture of the fullness of God.

Children are always welcome in our services, but there are two nurseries for infants through four years old provided for all services and Kid’s Church for kindergarten through fourth grade. We also have Christmas activity books for children to help them enjoy and better understand what this holiday is really all about. Interactive and age-appropriate Sunday School classes (K-12 Grade) and adult Bible classes meet at 11 am each Sunday after our coffee & cookie time.

Family Advent Activity Guide

You can download and print this to enjoy celebrating the coming of Jesus with your family at home every day..

Christmas Events Calendar

– visit our Events page to see what’s coming up next

First Baptist Church is located at 876 Central Ave in Dunkirk. For more information call the church office at 716-366-6634.